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7 Time Management Tips During University Final Exam

September 06, 2019

EasyUni Staff

student studying for final exams


Step 1: Get some sleep

When you are in hectic schedule, most of the times you will cut off your sleep time to get things settled. The notes and discussion have to be understood before the exam starts, so ... cut off some sleep time to study, right? Wrong. Not getting enough sleep will only cause you more time to study the module. Your brain and body will run slower, you'll be more likely to get sick, you'll be super tired, and the most important is you'll be less able to handle stress during the study.So, even you think that cutting off some sleep time might help you to get more study time; invest some time to get quality sleep.


Step 2: Prioritize often

As student you will have many things to do such as your tutorial, assignments, lab report, study for exam plus keeping up with friends. You are in big chaos during exams week when you still have other major stuffs in to-do-list. Additionally, the best way to manage your time is to avoid procrastinating. You'll need to start to schedule out your to-do-list and prioritize which to do first. If not, you'll feel overwhelmed by the task you have. You'll need to focus on 1 or 2 most important item; you can't do so many things at once. By focusing 1 or 2 items, you'll feel like you are accomplishing something rather than worrying about everything else. Additionally, the best way to manage your time is to avoid procrastinating; procrastinating isn't time management, procrastinating is just plain silly and big waste of time.


Step 3: Leave Extra Time

No matter how good you are in planning your tasks, sometimes things just not happen as what you have planned it. You might get sick, your laptop crashes, your car breaks down, you lose your flash disk with your report inside, etc. Leave extra time as much as possible each day, so you can have flexible time during your final. This way you won't feel too stress when any problem happens. And good part if there is nothing happen and you'll find yourself with some free time so you can re-prioritize and re-focus as you need.


Step 4: Schedule Time to Relax

Final exams can be so stressful for student, and student might not realize how much it's taking a toll on you until it's over. You will feel overwhelmed by the mental stress, lack of sleep, and workload. What you need is some relax time to relax your mind from all the stuff, so you can get quality learning. Scheduling plays an important part here, by having proper scheduling you will be able to save some time for you to just relax your mind, and recharge your energy. Just take 20 minutes break from your study to read gossip magazine, get some exercise while listening music, watch video online, and so on. Let your brain take a break in order to get better understanding of the subject.


Step 5: Don't depend on quick fixes

During final exam week many students start to stock up coffee and energy drink to help them boost energy to study for final exams. Unfortunately, it's not a good idea because coffee and energy drink will only give you short energy supply. Instead you should take some protein and veggies, it'll make you feel better and give you more energy supply.


Step 6: Ask for Help When You Need It

There is no harm in asking help from others, in fact we always ask help from others in daily life especially in university's life. It's rare that a student can make it through the years of university's life without asking a little single help from others. Therefore, don't be afraid to ask a little help and assistance from others when you need it, especially during final exams. You can ask your friends help to explain about the course material that you don't really understand.


Step 7: Avoid Unproductive Time Wasters

During final exams most of the times, we as a student, will feel overwhelmed by the material given. We would like to take a break of study by opening YouTube or Facebook. Well spending few minutes on Facebook or YouTube will be a good break but spending one hour or more can be major problem during your final exams. Yes, your brain needs a break, but you need to remember to be smart about how you're using your time.


Hope you can have good time management during your finals!

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