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Level 17, The Bousteador No.10, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara 47800 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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8 Types of Roommates You Will Meet in College

November 11, 2017

EasyUni Staff


(Photo source: aplusprofessionalclean.com.au)

It seems pretty cool to have this Obsessive Cleaning Dude on board because your room will never be dirty.

Unfortunately, this kind of roomies tend to have unrealistic expectations on the hygiene and neatness of your room.

Thus, you may be urged to clean up the house and received complaints about every minor misplacement of objects inside the house.

Deal with it: Blend in and try not to touch their things. Also, create a duty roster to ease the cleaning job of your room. Commit to it and you won’t have this ‘mum’ nagging you anymore.


The Lazybones

(Photo source: bustle.com)

Dirty clothes, empty soda cans and unidentifiable food leftovers… Scattered everywhere. What kind of storm just struck your room?

No, it is your roommate who hasn’t gotten out of his or her comfort zone and do the cleaning since you both moved in.

And what’s worse? They may throw you thousands of excuses telling you that they will clean up the room once they are done with their ‘business’ and school stuffs.

Deal with it: They can mess up their side of the room as much as they want but, if it’s interrupting your daily routine and personal space, don’t be afraid to air out your dissatisfaction. Confront them with assertiveness, before the cockroaches and other pests become your next roommates.


The DJ/ Musician

The night just never gets old for them, and this kind of roomies are most likely to be found in the college confession page.

How can you sleep well and get some serene personal time when the night goes darker, the beat goes higher?

The DJ blasting music all the night long until the ceiling drops and some of them even insist to play the guitar right as you’re trying to fall asleep, even their music sucks.

Deal with it: If you have an exam or assignment due date coming up, repeatedly hint that you’ll need to get a sufficient rest or just ask them to keep it down. With most of them hoping to get their talents recognized, encourage them to join the music society or any relevant competitions in the school to find a real stage to perform.


The Chef

(Photo source: telegraph.co.uk)

Gordon Ramsay in da house! No one can get as lucky as you when you have a ‘chef’ accommodating the same room with you.

Make sure you mix well with them because they prepare your meals and satisfy your cravings.

Besides, why not join them in cooking? It is a great opportunity for you to learn to cook from scratch as you can hangout with your roomies to shop for ingredients before cooking with them.

Deal with it: Appreciate them and find other ways to return them favours. They are chefs, not your personal maid. So, they cook, you do the dish-washing thingy, fair enough?


The Thief

(Photo source: mycampustalk.com)

This type of roommates is not a good companion to have, as they will take everything you have without your permission. They may refer these acts as sharing but there is a Chinese proverb saying, taking without asking is the act of a theft.

So, don’t be surprised if your hairspray is half empty within a week or your favourite hoodie is found under your bed.

Sometimes, you even realize that your snacks and beverages become lesser or disappear out of nothing. Seriously, they should get the pocket money from their parents and buy their own food.

Deal with it: Keep your things to yourself properly. If the ‘stealing’ isn’t too serious, label your items and state clearly about what is shared and what is yours. In addition, depending on the seriousness of the item, a simple talk might clear things up and perhaps an official "Roommate Agreement" that outlines the DOs and DONTs might be effective to sort out this issue.


The Hermit

(Photo source: justrenttoown.com)

Why don’t you get out of the room? This is the one question you would like to ask this type of roommates. You rush for morning class, they’re there; post up (between classes), they’re there; you finish your evening class, and they’re still there.

Chances are, this type of roommates can either be a hardcore gamer, a movie junkie or a nerd who prefers self-learning. He or she just likes to stay in the room, leaving you a little privacy now and then.

Deal with it: Don’t care how they pass their classes, just make sure you find yourself some solitary time. Find a study room in your dorm or apartment and take note of their class scheldule. Alternately, invite them out with you sometimes and introduce them to some of your friends as they could just being introverted and shy.


The Bookworm

(Photo source: lovepanky.com)

Facebook? No, these individuals just love to face books. Whether they are revising for examinations or reading for leisure, there is always a book on their hands.

The Book Lovers are good roommates and you will enjoy the peaceful environment in your room unless you’re a talkative and articulate person.

Moreover, they are mostly kind and considerate, thus willing to help you if you ask them.

Deal with it: Keep your noise down. Choose the right timing and appropriate tone to initiate conversation with them to prevent yourself from interrupting their book adventure.


The Perfect One

(Photo source: theodysseyonline.com)

Living with other people is hard, you may need patience, tolerance and good communication skills.

However, there is one perfect type of roommate that makes your life easy. They can be your good friends, listeners and companions in many daily live routines – but you also give each other the space and freedom.

Perhaps you share the same personality and interest with your roommate, you can just click with this roommate easily and live harmoniously just like family.




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