Baby Boomer vs Gen Y: Submitting Paper Application Forms vs Online Applications
November 11, 2017
EasyUni Staff
If you were born in the 1960s or 70s, this probably sounds familiar.
You’ve just finished SPM or ‘O’ Level and while waiting for your results, you took a part-time job while. In that short period in time, you realised you wanted to carry on working and work your way through the ladder. Or back then, your parents could not afford to finance your tertiary education and the natural thing to do was to – go out and get a job.
Many years down the road with years of experience under your belt and now that you can afford it, you realised that you’d like to further your studies, just for the satisfaction of having a formal paper qualification or for a easier climb toward the corporate ladder. But you’ve lost touch with the courses are being offered out there and which universities can offer you the best programmes. While holding a full-time job, it is obvious that you’d have to limit your research time to after working hours and weekends. And if you’re lucky, bad traffic and weather will not spoil your plans to visit the respective colleges and universities to enquire in details and collate all the relevant information. After all, education is an investment, and you would not want to make a bad investment.
Does this sound familiar to you?
Well guess what... For the Generation Y and beyond, college or university applications are only a click of a button away, and they can now do it at the comfort of their own home. Coming from Baby Boomer Generation, we had to endure all the hassle from filling up multiple application forms and hand them physically at the college registration together with our transcripts and other relevant documents, plus pay a non-refundable fee.
Back then not many colleges or universities offer online application facilities to accommodate their potential students’ demands. If not, that would have saved us and our parents a massive amount of hassle and time. Today, thanks to the vast advancement of technology like the internet, online application is definitely the way forward. Working adults can now find that dream course and college while juggling a hectic work schedule and some of us even a hectic family schedule.
As the name suggests, is really EASY! First of all, you get to laze in your sweat shirt coupled with you coffee at anytime during the weekend and search, compare plus shortlist the courses, colleges, universities and also the cost with a click of a button.
The website is very easy to browse through that even a not-so-internet-savvy person aka your grandma will be able to glide through it with no problems. It is a comprehensive online platform for the young and, er not so young. It certainly will save you the time and money because you can put in as many college or university applications as you want and it will not cost you a cent!
For those who feel that their current career path is stuck in a rut, then check out our Course Recommender (psychometric test). It’s like a personal career counsellor that will guide you towards the suitable career that you may have been meant to be instead of your current one! Now how is that for a personal counsellor?! That’s not all, upon submitting your application, easyuni will assign a counsellor dedicated to find a place in the respective universities or colleges that you desire until you are successfully accepted and get a confirm placement. And bear in mind, you’re still doing this in your sweat shirt on your bed and it’s still FREE!
Now compare what you’ve just read and what you had to do back then. Isn’t it all easier, less complicated and, not forgetting, less confusing? Plus you get to enjoy happy hours on weekdays, keep your social activities over the weekends and get that extra satisfaction that you are one step closer to a better future.
So my Baby Boomer friend, do you still want to go through the conventional way after reading above? If you’ve taken the time to read to the end of this sentence, I’m quite sure you’re already a convert. Happy surfing!
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