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Cancelling or rescheduling an Interview? Handle it the Right Way

November 11, 2017

EasyUni Staff

However, it would not be nice to leave the interviewers to wait for you indefinitely when you aren’t going to show up. It is necessary to cancel your interview politely so as not to ruin your chances if you were to apply for a job at this company in future.

Cancelling the interview

Contact the company

It would be best to call the person who scheduled your interview the day before to let him or her know that you would not be coming for the interview. Reason Explanations or reasons would not be necessary. However, if you are sure that you are not interested in the position, let the person know that you are withdrawing candidacy for the position.

Rescheduling the interview

Should a genuine emergency arise or an interview with your dream company, call to let the person know that you are very interested in the position but you are not able to make it for the interview and need to reschedule. Suggest another date that you can have the interview.   It is important to give prior notice as it helps avoid any inconvenience caused to the interviewers. Moreover in the future, there might just be a great opportunity that comes along with the same company (that you had cancelled on). All in all, leave the right impression!    

Article contributed by TBC HR Consulting‘s Team


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