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Congratulations! You’ve been accepted... what next?

November 11, 2017

EasyUni Staff

Most people often think that once they’ve submitted their college or university application with all the proper and relevant documentation, and once they’ve received a confirmation of acceptance, it would be the end of their long process of getting themselves geared and ready for tertiary education.

However, not many of us only realised how much more cumbersome things can get after that. Upon being accepted into a university or college, especially in a foreign country, there are many other things that need ironing out before you can fly over and start a new chapter of your life.

First and foremost, different countries have different requirements and conditions for visa applications but this is only the tip of the iceberg of your worries. If you are applying for a visa to a country where the English language is not their first language, more often than not you’ll be sure to face communication problems and may not be able to provide the proper documentation for a successful application. Also you’ll need to get medical checks done and again, different countries will have different requirements. As a result, you may be making more trips to the embassy than to the malls and with KL city’s traffic and scarce parking, by the time you get all the right documentation in order, you would be close to giving up and patience will be thin.

Another issue you may face is not knowing where or how to secure accommodation nearby your campus so that it’ll be convenient for you to travel to and fro for classes, nearest malls and etc. Sure you can find as much information as you can online since technology is so advanced these days but filtering all that information will be very time consuming and cumbersome as well. Plus, if you are not familiar with the location of the campus, especially if it’s a foreign country, it will be tough to make the right decision.

To eliminate all the hassle above, easyuni.com has online chat operators that can answer, assist as well as execute all of the above for you. How is it possible, and how much will it cost for such convenience, you may ask? The one unique thing about easyuni.com is, they have expertise from different countries that speak the local country language. On top of being your guidance counsellor during your college or university application and registration, they are also your virtual tour guide to all your post registration checklist of things-to-do before heading to your respective college or university.

They are all equipped with the know-how and what-to-do when it comes how to apply to your dream college or university in over 20 countries, and will be able to help you obtain your student visa and medical checks, on top of it all give you sound advice about college life! And the best part of it all (wait for this parents...), they help you for the cost of nothing!

So go ahead and log on to easyuni.com. There is no harm in just checking them out but I guarantee you that you have nothing to lose by just taking a look at their website. I assure you, you’ll realised how easy it is to make that major decision of your future and realise how lucky you are that easyuni.com will walk with you side-by-side until the day you walk into your first lecture.

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