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How to Start a Bullet Journal

November 11, 2017

EasyUni Staff

I’ve been hearing about it since last year and I have always been fascinated to create one. I find it helpful especially to those students who have lots of activities, homework, and requirements. Bullet journal will surely make a person more structured and organised as it will be easier to track the progress of an activity.

(photo source:clarifilo.com)

Since I also have a very hectic schedule, I was intrigued on how to properly do it. I tried to find out more about this method to answer my curiosity. Upon reading all the sources, it turns out that it’s very easy to do.The layout and details are not really complicated. Let me share you this guide in starting your bullet journal the simplest way possible.


1. Understand your journal

In creating an effective bullet journal, start by knowing the meaning of these terminologies:

Bullet Journal - A customised method of journaling, note-taking, organising, and scheduling to-do list in bullet points.

Index - A table of contents that you update from time to time

Daily Log - Things you did and/or need to do within the day.

Monthly Log - Things you did and/or need to do within the month.

Rapid Logging - symbols such as check and “x” marks, asterisk, “+”  and “-” signs can be used in logging in and marking your tasks.

Future Log - Your whole year calendar where you put events, goals, and long-term goals you need to do.


2. Choose your journal wisely

(Photo source: buzzfeed.com/rachelwmiller)

The size and the quality of the journal matters. If it’s too small, it will be infeasible. If it’s too big, you cannot take it with you all the time .

Choose a medium or an A5 size journal that will be convenient to bring every day. Better if it comes with page numbers and a blank index page ready.

3. Start with the index

(Photo source: buzzfeed.com/rachelwmiller)

Like a book index, this is where you list down all the important categories with the corresponding page number. It is common for first timers to not put much on this page.

As you go further with your bullet journal, you will keep on adding topics and categories on this page so might as well have an extra space.

Keep your index page neat. Place only those important things that you are most likely to refer from time to time.

4. Make your journal short and simple

(Photo source: buzzfeed.com/rachelwmiller)

The main idea of a bullet journal is to have short notes instead of writing in long sentences. The notes will later be marked with symbols to categorise them. This is the so-called Rapid Logging.

Put the symbol before the task. Mark an “x” to the things that you already finished. Use the (<) less than symbol to those that you still need to do. Put (>) greater than symbol to the task that needs to be rescheduled. You can also put other symbols such as (*) asterisk for additional notes, or (-) dash sign for memorable events.

Feel free to change the symbol that suits your preference. I suggest that you keep a “key” or a page that provides the meaning of the symbols. It can be put either at the back or front of your journal.


5. Future Log

(Photo source: buzzfeed.com/rachelwmiller)

Future Log is simply a calendar where you put occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, travel dates, and other important events that will occur within the year.

You can also put your long-term goals and those that you look forward to achieve. Continue using symbols in marking the things you add on this page. Having it on a separate page will make you see the overview of everything that happened and/or will happen every month. Important events, accomplishments, and goals will be easier to track down.

These are the basic things you should know when you start your Bullet Journal. As you progress, you can make it more creative and hyper-detailed. Some people allot pages for the list of movies they want to watch with the screening dates. Some have pages for the list of books they want to finish reading within the month or year. Others have a summary page where they compile all important events that happened within the month.

Whether your bullet journal is well-designed, formatted or not, what matters is what is written inside and how doing this method led you to have a more productive life!


Source: buzzfeed.com/rachelwmiller

(Cover photo source: karalayneandco.com)

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