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New 2013 Year Resolution for University and College Students: Don't Just Pursue a Perfect GPA

September 06, 2019

EasyUni Staff

student's new year resolution: don't just pursue a perfect GPA

1. Take Your Studies Seriously

Studying at a University or College is not an end, but a means to an end. The end is hopefully a fullfilling and successful career in life. If you want to be successful in your career, be it in corporate life or running your own business, you need to start now while you're studying. Take your studies seriously, speak with your teachers, seek consultations, participate in class, ask questions. Whether you like it or not, teachers remember those students who raise their hands and participate in class.

2. Take Advantage of Social Life

While studying is important, don't just pursue a perfect GPA. There are a lot of clubs and social events at the University. Participating at these clubs and events will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, interests, become a better leader, teammate, negotiator, and a well-rounded individual. Socializing with fellow students is important. People say that the best and lasting friendships are made during university/college years. Make friends and network with other students because they will help you later in your business life or corporate career.

3. Go to Campus Talks and Workshops

There will be visiting professors, business leaders or other outstanding speakers at your University or College. You should attend these events and workshops to widen your general knowledge or gain new skills. Most of these talks and workshops will be free, so you should take advantage of them.

4. Develop Solid Skills, Don't Just Pursue a Perfect GPA

Increasingly employers are looking for fresh graduates with concrete skills who can join their organizations and start contributing and adding value with minimal training. This is especially true in fields such as Information technology (IT). When you attend job interviews, employers want to see what you have done during your college years.

  • Have you developed any software, however small it is?
  • Have you designed any website?
  • Have you written any web programs such as a guestbook/shoutbox or a blog engine?
  • Have you ever used FTP?

If you are studying marketing as your major, learn about Internet marketing techniques. Launch a website about something, anything, and make it popular. This will tell your future employers that you know how to market websites.

5. Help Others

You should take time and understand what's happening around you and help others. Do volunteering work. You will not only feel good about yourself, but learn new skills such as problem-solving, time-management, critical thinking and communication. All these are very valuable and solid skills that you'll need when you go out to get a job.


So, do any of your resolutions match with any of these? Discuss in the comments section below.

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