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Study Hotel Management and Hospitality in Canada

Take a peek into one of today’s fastest growing industries and see how you can be part of the Hotel and Hospitality Management in the future.

Increasing numbers of people around the world are turning to travel as a leisure and business related pastime. New hotels are continually being built, each one more complex and innovative to manage than the last. As a result, there is a growing need for young professionals to enter the field of hotel management and hospitality, with this being one of the fastest growing business sectors in the world at this time. Graduates of such a degree program will enter a job market that is widely open and the possibilities almost limitless. Students will benefit from being able to seek employment in either Asia or abroad, which is why an increasing number of individuals are choosing to pursue higher education in another country.


Eligibility Requirements

You will want to be prepared for certain academic expectations if you want to study hotel management and hospitality in Canada. Universities throughout Canada have a slightly different criteria for admitting international students than other countries do. Realizing that each country has a different secondary school structure, Canada asks that applicants use an independent evaluation agency to determine one’s suitability for entry into Canada’s university system. Work hard in secondary school to take advanced courses when possible, and ensure that you earn high marks. When the time comes, you will want to contact either the International Credential Assessment Service of Canada or World Education Services. They will then ask for your complete transcript records, evaluate them, and provide a report to the universities in Canada that you wish to apply to.

While a few universities in Canada conduct their programs in the French language, the vast majority is in English. As such, international applicants need to demonstrate an acceptable level of English proficiency. If you want to study hotel management and hospitality in Canada, then you will need to earn a minimum score of 6.0 on each strand of the IELTS exam. Results from the TOEFL assessment are also accepted, but the majority of students are more familiar with IELTS. Begin preparing for the exam early and take it multiple times in order to achieve the best possible score that you can. Keep in mind that some universities may ask you to take their own internal English language assessment as well, so be prepared for that.


Cost of Studying Hotel Management and Hospitality in Canada

There is also a financial component to get ready for if you desire to study hotel management and hospitality in Canada. Universities will want to see that you are financially able to afford the cost of international education prior to being admitted. At the current time, the average annual tuition cost in Canada is roughly $14,000 CAD. This includes the cost of two terms in a year, with the average program taking 3 to 4 years to complete.



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