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Study Mass Communication and Media in Canada

Communication is the most crucial thing no matter what industry or sector. Learn how to effectively communicate and interact with everyone inside and outside the company

Technology is rapidly changing the way that people obtain information these days. While it might be true to reflect on the demise of the traditional print based services of the world, it is not accurate to assume that there is no longer a need for communications oriented individuals to take the mantle of mass media into future generations. In fact, young people are entering this field in increasing numbers, taking advantage of new programs being offered by some of the most prestigious colleges and universities around the world. In fact, many students are taking notice of this shift in terms of they way people get information today and are desiring to enter the field as a possible long terms career option. Some of the best schools to learn about media and communication in the 21st century are located in North America.


Eligibility Requirements

Studying abroad is a big decision, and one that will impact you for the rest of your life. In order to Study Mass Communication and Media in Canada, there are some academic and financial components that you need to begin preparing for early on in the process. Most universities will want you to have a Credential Assessment Report completed and sent to them at the time of your application. This is to account for the differences between the secondary school system in Canada and that of international students. It would be to your advantage to get high marks in your secondary school, take as many advanced courses as possible, and ensure that you attend a regionally accredited and accepted school. Most universities in Canada will want you to get this report generated by either the International Credential Assessment Service of Canada or by World Education Services.

In addition, you will need to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in the English language if you want to Study Mass Communication and Media in Canada. Most universities in the country will accept a passing score on either the TOEFL or IELTS exam, while some will ask that international applicants take an internal assessment as well. Since most students are familiar with the IELTS exam, it would be helpful to begin preparing early on in the process of exploring your move abroad. You want to achieve a minimum score of 6.0 on each band of the test itself, so take the test multiple times in order to get the best possible result.


Cost of Studying Mass Communication and Media in Canada

To study mass media and communication in Canada will require a certain financial investment that you need to be prepared for. International students currently pay annual tuition based costs of $14,000 CAD, which accounts for two terms each. The average degree program will take 3 to 4 years to complete.



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