Taylor's University recently welcomed the first group of Vietnamese students coming from FPT University, Hanoi under the "Passage to ASEAN" (P2A) scheme. As a way of helping to build understanding, connectivity and personal linkages between people in the different ASEAN member countries, the idea of the P2A initiative has been to offer students a range of affordable mobility opportunities. Given the disparity in incomes between the various ASEAN countries, the daily cost for students is pegged at just US$25 per day. P2A was launched in 2012 during the First Assembly of Representatives at Rangsit University in Thailand. It was attended by Norton University (Cambodia), The National University of Laos, the Myanmar Computer Institute and also Duy Tan University (Vietnam) - and with whom Taylor’s University recently signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement. The network is looking to further expand its network of ASEAN partner institutions. P2A is guided by a "One Vision, One Identity and One Caring and Sharing Community" and also by the Principals of the ASEAN Charter. The FPT University students were hosted by the Global Mobility Office (GMO) at Taylor's University, and during the 3-days from 27 to 29 Aug 2015 that they were here, they experienced a series of lectures, Malaysian cultural events and also had a tour around Putrajaya. Taylor's will be offering Passage to ASEAN experiences with partner institutions in the network to help Taylor’s University students to explore the region. To find out more about the Passage to ASEAN scheme click here.