To develop better connectivity with our ASEAN neighbours, a group of eighteen Taylor's students from the School of Pharmacy recently participated in a one-week study visit to Thailand. Given the types of medical and community facilities they would be visiting, the students were split into two smaller groups and this also allowed for better interaction with their Thai hosts. One group consisting of eleven students, led by Dr. Tan Shir Ley, visited Mahidol University in Bangkok.
While the other group of seven students, led by Dr. Jason Loo, visited Mahasarakham University in North East Thailand. During the week-long visit to two leading universities in Thailand, the students were exposed to the Thailand healthcare system, the hospital and community pharmacy service as well as application of Thai traditional medicines. The students gained a range of experiences and insights into the very different practices and cultural approaches. Mahidol University (MU) will be hosting the First International Conference on Pharmacy Education and Research Network of ASEAN in December 2015. For more info about the School of Pharmacy, please visit the official website.