There is more to being an engineer than engineering – and many engineering students are also budding entrepreneurs. Two students, Quah Pooi Chi and Lau Kah Heng, from the School of Engineering, were recently selected to take part in the 2015 "Dragon 100" programme. The Dragon Foundation was established in Hong Kong in 2002 to act as a global facilitation network for Chinese youth, and to encourage their leadership skills so that they can participate in developing business and building communities. The theme of 2015 Dragon 100 was on "Innovation & Entrepreneurship" and the programme focused on the opportunities and challenges of starting-up business in Hong Kong and Mainland China. There were just 106 delegates selected from universities around the world, and this year's programme took place in Hong Kong (SAR-China) as well as in Shenzhen and Guangzhou. As delegates, the two Taylor’s University students also attended the “Global Youth Entrepreneurs Forum 2015” and this allowed them to get ideas and to be inspired by dozens of successful entrepreneurs and experts. In addition, they were also able to do some site-visits to successful business and start-ups and had the opportunity to engage in a number of discussions with successful entrepreneurs. The Dragon Foundation has a number of large corporate sponsors including the Sino Group, Sun Hung Kai Properties and Shui On Construction. For more about the Dragon 100 click here and for more information about the Taylor's School of Engineering click here.