A joint application by Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) in the UK and Taylor's University for an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility funding, has been successful. Erasmus+ is a European Union (EU) programme to support education, training and sport. The seven year programme has a budget of €14.7 billion - which is a 40% increase compared to past EU spending levels. It is anticipated that Erasmus+ will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain work experience and volunteer abroad. Erasmus+ also support transnational partnerships among education, training, and youth institutions and organisations to foster international cooperation. This funding will provide a mobility grant for up to 4 students and 1 staff member from each institutions for mobility between the two universities. Students will benefit from a travel grant of up to €1100 plus a monthly stipend of between €650-850 per month. Professor Perry Hobson, PVC for Global Engagement at Taylor’s University, noted that, "we have already had some short-term mobility activities bringing British students from MMU to Taylor’s University, and we have also been pleased to host several MMU staff on our Lakeside campus too". Ms. Jayvien Lau, Director of Student Mobility at Taylor’s University, and who has been working with Natalie Cunningham at MMU on the application, added that "we recently signed an MoU between the two universities, and so getting this Erasmus+ grant with MMU is a huge step forward and should encourage more mobility between the two institutions". He recently visited MMU and met with staff and students interested in coming to Taylor’s University on exchange. To learn more about Global Mobility at Taylor's University, click here.

Shoabana Partington (MMU) and Stewart Morrell (MMU)